
Scenery Pill

I spent all today in Point Reyes with my mom... Point Reyes, the most beautiful place in the world.  I didn't even go anywhere exciting, not to the beach, or the beautiful trails, anywhere. But still,  just around the town, and about 10 times to the friend of my mom's who lets her do her laundry at his house, even that is gorgeous.  It's like some sort of supplement, a vitamin, someone should bottle, "Beautiful Scenery, one pill a day keeps the gloom away".  It certainly kept my gloom away today...

I've also been watching this show called 30 days, which I recommend to EVERYONE.  It's available on Hulu.com.  It's so fascinating.  I'm watching this great episode where a Mom concerned with her college daughters drinking decides to binge drink every night for 30 days.  It's well, interesting... I mean, as a college student who is rather responsible, but still does go out and drink and get drunk, it's interesting to see both the college student who gets drunk to the point of blacking out every night (I've only ever blacked out and thrown up once) and the mom who can only handle four drinks before throwing up.  

I also started 40 days of two yoga sets yesterday, and we'll see how it goes, even just doing these two EASY PEASY ones are soo hard, so incredibly difficult.  I'm sore even just after two days, without even doing 26 repetitions of each one (I actually can't yet).  So yea... we'll see. Hopefully by posting about it every day I can keep up with it.  

Anyway... one more little tidbit, I'm involved in an art show in Point Reyes, in the Gallery Route One, where they send out over 100 completely blank empty wooden boxes to do anything you please with to artists in the area.  I'll keep posting about my progress (it's due in a week) hopefully without giving away anything too big!

4 remarks:

Anonymous said...

NO LIMANTOUR!?!?!? WHY!?!? sorry that blows... I wish I could've gone up to PR with you... I want some Mt. Tam.... we need to go to Ashbury Market when you get back

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I fucken love hulu. I also really like 30 days. . . But I really like almost every show. New season of project runway! - Aubrey Rails

Anonymous said...

30 days is cool, but the drinking episode is kinda lousy. That's some great parenting right there: drinking like crazy in order to get your kid to stop drinking like crazy. And the daughter even seems to think it's just cool that her mom's drinking so much and is even trying to give her tips on how to do it better. Lessons to live by, huh?

Elmpixie said...

I know! that was my LEAST favorite episode. totally retarded.