Going up to Cazadero yesterday was great. I was only there for 4 weeks last summer, but J has been there for the last 10 summers. It's so amazing to see these kids, all playing their instruments under the huge redwoods, it's like a whole little world in itself. More amazing than the kids though, is the staff. They all hang around for years, most of them started as campers, switched to CIT's (counselor in training) at 17 or 18, then became counselors, music instructors, stage managers, office staff, music faculty, deans, kitchen staff, store managers, and eventually, directors. It's almost like you start at age 10 and never leave. J and I were going to work there this summer as well, but well, yea. We didn't get hired. That's a little bit of a sore spot. Shh, don't tell anyone.
The bridge when you first come into camp... if you run, it creates waves in the wood. Sweet.
Me and J at the Halloween Dance (there are dances every week for staff to dress up and kids to dance)
Staff Guitar Ensemble (J on the right)
A boys cabin...
Final beach bonfire... fire-walking!
STAFF! (or a small portion there-of)
My high-school girls cabin.
1 remarks:
Oh, I can't WAIT to get up there myself... sigh. TWO WEEKS.
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